Please help: Something wrong with my spkrs

Hello, My speaker is making noise everytime I turn the amplifier on and off. It's just happened since last night, and it's got worse everytime I turn the amp on and off. Noise get louder and longer (about 5 seconds), and it happends just after I hit the on off button of the amp. The noise is like Pop and Chiu...(sound like lasser gun in Star trek). Noise still happend eventhough the preamp, and cd are off. I also changed the speaker wire but it still the same. My Classe amp is 150channel (briged), and my Jmlab handle 100w max. I've kept the vollum the same for over 3 months (nerver go over -19db), so I don't think my woofer is blow off because of too much power. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on? Thanks for you help DT
From your description, the problem is in your amp rather than your speakers. The "Pop" is the problem and the "Chiu" is the capacitor discharging a modulated signal into your speakers. The problem is definately internal to your amplifier. Hope someone else can add on. Good luck
I experienced similar problems with my amp (Hising and harming insteand of pop), at last I send it for service and two output capacitors changed. BTW which channel is giving the "POP" and "chui", I think you should disconnect your speakers from your amp as the "noise" might damage them. Send you amplifier for service, it is definately something wrong in it. Good Luck