Power cord recommendation needed

I am looking for a power cord for both my amp (Jeff Rowland model 10T) and CDp (Wadia 850). I am told that the King Cobra ver 2 would do well with the CDp and the Electraglide Fatboy SE 24k connector with my amp. Is this consistent with what you may know ???? If not what other recommendations then?
I use the King Cobra v2 on all my digital gear, and the King Cobra v2 on my Rowland Model 10. The KC really excels at noise suppression and fullness on the digital, while the Model 10 responds well to its soundstaging and near-unlimited current delivery--it is a very open sound. I wonder whether the digital switch mode power supply being used in the new Rowland amps (Model 10 and 12) is why it seems to work with the King Cobra v2 as well as digital components do. Hmmm.... Surprisingly to me, I did not like any aftermarket cord, including any of the Powersnakes, on the Rowland Synergy II linestage, don't know why, that's just what I heard in my system. Guess it goes to show that "synergy" or the lack thereof is the key!
Are you using any AC conditioning? I'd certainly do that first, especially with components the quality of yours. I'd then order, with its 30-day money-back guarantee, as many Stealth HAC cords as you need. Disclosure: I know the Stealth designer, so assume a bias for his cables. But why not also see their technology at www.interlinkhouse.com?
Try PS Audio's Lab cable. It is extremely heavy duty and doesn't impart any sound of its own to the music. What more can you ask for?
check out the Granite audio #555 power cords they are just super!!! they offer a in home demo program you can try them for 30 days -- bought them from quest for sound the authorized dealer for granite ... check out ---- http://audiogo1.iserver.net/cgi-bin/classa5.pl?0&1&adlr&Questforsound&home&
Stick with the FatBoy/FatMan on amps!! This was Stereotimes recommendation as well. The King Cobra on Digital/analogue