McIntosh vs. Accuphase

I've heard more than once that Accuphase was Japan's McIntosh and was wondering if someone that has had experience with both brands would like to give their opinions on any differences and likeness these makes share sonically from top to bottom? More specifically the McIntosh MC252, MC352 amps vs like wattage Accuphase units. I've noticed in the specs of both that the Accuphase amps have a much higher damping factor vs. the McIntosh which from what I understand could tell how it might effect bass performance with a given speaker. Any input or stories you might have pertaining to either brand would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Brian/Texas
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I think that analogy is ridiculus. The newer Mac gear stands up to accuphase and in regards to price and performance, Mac is far and away a better product. Plus, add in resale and the Mac is more like a Mercedes.
look at the resale value......i guess that would make mac likw gold and the others like....well, an automobile
I have had the chance to compare Mac (both tube and SS) and Accuphase (always the higher-power amps) in a variety of situations. In almost all cases, I have found the Accuphase amps to be "more musical" (never thought I'd use that adjective for an SS amp but I guess there has to be a first time). I have never compared Mac tubes to Accuphase A-series amps at the same time. I think both are top quality. The mid-high-end Luxman amps, which I am pretty sure never make it to the US, are also quite good and I find more similar to Mac in terms of "house sound."

The new high-end Luxman monoblocks (B-1000fs) are shockingly good but are equivalent to about $35k/pair. I could not remember ever being so impressed by an SS amp. Later the same day I listened to the Dartzeel for the first time and was similarly impressed. If I had to choose (price no object), I'd probably choose the Dartzeel. I would however choose the b-1000f monos vs any Accuphase or Macintosh amp I have ever heard.

In the end, MacIntosh/Luxman/Accuphase amps are all quite good. It becomes a matter of choice regarding what kind of "house sound" one likes better and what kind of amp is required for the rest of the system. Out of all of the Luxman/Mac/Accuphase amps (other than the b-1000fs), I would personally go for the A-50s or A-60s.