McIntosh vs. Accuphase

I've heard more than once that Accuphase was Japan's McIntosh and was wondering if someone that has had experience with both brands would like to give their opinions on any differences and likeness these makes share sonically from top to bottom? More specifically the McIntosh MC252, MC352 amps vs like wattage Accuphase units. I've noticed in the specs of both that the Accuphase amps have a much higher damping factor vs. the McIntosh which from what I understand could tell how it might effect bass performance with a given speaker. Any input or stories you might have pertaining to either brand would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Brian/Texas
I own a Mac 4100 rec and 2 Accuphase E202's yes older vintage equipment. Loved the 4100 till I bought a mint E202 int amp and the Accuphase wins hands down! More detailed and musical .Love the Accuphase.
I have had both McIntosh and Accuphase I have heard the same statement that Accuphase is Japans McIntosh- .

Well I think the true difference is Accuphase has digital down! McIntosh has some of the best power out, and they work exceptional together. But one member said that McIntosh is a Chevy and Accuphase is a Lexus. Well to me a Lexus is a wanna be BMW!!!!!
So far no one has addressed the specific question ref the Mc252? Anyone have anything to add on this specific product?
The accuphase is pure class a and the mac is ab so in terms of overall sound quality the accuphase should be better, there is also a big price difference between pure class a and ab. The Mac 252 is a outstanding amp but its in a different league than the accuphase, as you know the accuphase that is the same wattage as the mac 252 is Accuphase M-2000 at $30,000 per pair. accupase is more comparably to lamm or chord, its kind of like saying what would you prefer a Corvette or a Ferrari.