system matching help

I'm about ready to purchase a system that was recommended to me by fellow audiogon members. From reading reviews, i have decided to purchase a conrad johnson premeir 11a amp. My question is what preamplifier should i get, and what are the best speakers for this setup? I'm using it 50%tv/50%music.{rock and roll/dixie chicks type music.} Also what kind of inputs does your suggested preamp have? Can i hook up my satellite tv to it? I have read good reviews about merlin vsm, magnepans, dynaudio contours, sonus faber homages, ML clsz.{ ps I already have a rel storm sub.}thanks!
from your listings of music type etc. it sounds to me that the amp your purchasing might be the wrong amp for the music type. I do not think 11a c/johnson is right for your your application. Just my opinion! Based only on what i have heard listening to the c/j.
I question your overall strategy. Why start with the amp? Choice either your speaker or your main source component first and then pick an amp to complement. I do not think the CJ would match well with most Magnepans, the Dynaaudio Contour series or the ML CLS. These speakers require high current to sound optimal, the CJ won't deliver. You say that you've gotten advice from Audiogon members and while the forums are an excellent arena for exchanging audiophile knowledge, I believe you would be better served in system building by finding a good audio dealer instead. The multiple opinions of Audiogon members are probably too diverse to be of any real help. Magazine reviews are an excellent starting point, but a really good dealer is frequently necessary to make a system gel. BTW, I am not an audio dealer, but I'm someone who understands how easy it is to spend alot of money on good components and only end up with a mediocre system. Good luck!
Rock & Roll and TV... Why not just go HT? IMHO: I wouldn't spend that kind of money on your system relative to your music tastes... Seems like sort of a waste.