AC line conditioners - Need Help

Hi Need advice on line conditioners in order to get pure, clean (and safe) power. Reasonable price only. Thanks.
For the Monster stuff I mentioned, the HT and HTS stands for Home Theater, the S for satellite. The models also have inputs to protect your COAX and Phone lines for cable and satellite TV. This may be of interest. The HTS2000 can be had on the web for not much more than the HTS1000, so if you desire this kind of protection, definitely go with the HTS2000. The HT800 I mentioned also has a HTS version with Cable/Satelite protection.
I guess I'll just keep going. I don't know what you mean by "Reasonable" but up in the $300 range new the Chang Lightspeed 3200 is very nice. I just went to the Monster page and the HTS1000 now has the same 2 stage filtering as the HTS2000; it just has fewer outlets. The old HTS1000 model has only 1 stage filtering like the HT800. It was always better to spend a couple more bucks for the HTS2000. Maybe no longer if you get the new model. Has anyone tried to the newer 1000 model against the 2000?
I'm very pleased with the Audio Power Power Pack II. In many respects it's as good the Chang Lightspeed 6400ISO which I also use. The PPII doesn't get the attention it deserves maybe because it's the budget item in this companny's product line. However, its insertion into my system raised my eyebrows. Give it a try.
I have an HTS 1000 with which I am a very happy camper. It is my understanding that this is identical to the HTS2000 except for number of outlets.
The HTS-1000 sounds like an HTS-2000 only if you don't use the high current section of the 2000. If you have separates, the 2000 is a significant upgrade. If you can find an HTS-5000 at a discount, it will blow you away; the only thing I've heard better is the PS Audio.