Hum from Florescent light

I have a florescent that puts a nasty hum in my system. Its a light that plugs into the wall. Is there a cheap easy way to isolate this light?
Go to and look for the SL Waber SWT-1N ($7.56) or SWT-1NT ($12.95) The difference between the two is the NT has telephone jack protection also. Both are 210 joule with RFI noise blocker filter. $2500 equipment guarantee. Get the NT and you can use it with a computer if it will not issolate the light. I found that the RFI filter does work, because it clears up my TV picture a little if I plug a TV into it.
Humm did not show the web site. You can purchase the SL Waber stuff at
If you want to buy it locally the company website is --- --- at the top: directory/sales/reps & distributors will give you a list by state of local retailers.
Perfectimage, your problem is not RFI and I doubt isolating the light will help either. The key here is the word HUM, which almost anyone with knowledge of electronics relates to 60Hz energy. RFI filters are for filtering RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE not 60Hz hum. Your problem is radiated 60Hz from the flouresent light. Flouresent lights have been known for years to be radiators of 60hz energy. Incandecent light is a much better choice or move the flouresent as far away from your system as possible. Spending lot's of money on fancy RFI filters and isolators will only lighten your wallet and not fix your problem.
Does halogen create any problem, compared to incandescent? I'm looking for a small task light for my turntable. Small lamps tend to be halogen these days.