Where do you guys buy replacement tubes?

I'm sure it's been covered, but I haven't found it. I'm looking to replace my sons tubes in his amp. We have had some bad experiences to date with suppliers and I would like your recommendations on good suppliers. His amp uses 6336A tubes, a real odd ball, so the supplier needs to cover alot of types I would guess. Thanks for your help, J.D.
Well, Kev.promise I won't add more fuel to the fire;and I won't. The guy in the first sentence of your last response.......... That wasn't me. I don't doubt that there are probably toooooooo many of them tacky folk,that make it tough on the rest of us. I actually had such a friend; he was an embarrassment to go "shoping" with. Every time I put something up for sale I meet "this guy" you're talking about.
Ditto fpeel regarding the outdated notion of the customer *always* being right. Separately, my experience with Kevin (I've preordered a CD player from him) have been fairly good (my only complain being that it would be nice to be emailed about expected delays to shipment). While he is not lightening quick in his responses he does seem to care about the customer and insuring that people get what they want. He's never come off as snooty to me. Coincidentally I was about to ask him for recs on replacing tubes, but I think I'll wait till things calm down a bit over there.
No need to worry about it being to busy if there is something you need...that's not where it's at.

The delays are not happening much anymore except for odd stuff. The things we do every day go out the door pretty quick.

I just made an agreement to have the best talent in the industry custom make a new tube burn in rack and matching fully regulated test rig.

What we have now is good, but we actually use power amps to do burn in before matching, and sometimes the amps blow up (better mine than a customers)and I have to perform surgery to fix them. Then we use a pre-heat rack before testing the tubes one at a time. The new rigs will burn in 20 at the same time, then the test rig will have 20 at a time getting up to operating temp while one is being tested. Super cool.
Kevin, what do you mean "the amp blows up"? I'm wondering if that isn't what happened to my sons amp. What would I look for? Thanks, J.D.