How to test those NOS tubes

After many decades of audiophilia nervosa und some years of tube rolling, I've finally bought myself a nice WE Tube Checker to try to measure and match those critters myself. Since I'm an absolute greenhorn in this game, what are the main parameters I must look out for? How do I test for noise for example ? Is there a site, which helps newbees like me? Are there books I should be on the look out for? Could anybody tell me the basics? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Detlof:...I have near your knowledge / maybe less. My amps are the individual socket biasing type. As in CJ Premere5s.--16 el34s--16 trim pots.

I bought a set of 16 of these nos's--The seller told me these were tested 14 way to sundown. However, 4 wouldn't bias at all.-- In these amps you follow the instructions in the book; baisiclly,insert the tubes,turn all the trim pots back to zero,turn on the amps, turn on the pre no volume. after a few minutes bring the trim pots up till the led glows/ then trim pot goes back, to just extinguish the led. On the 4 that wouldn't bias ; means the led wouldn't go out - at all. I tried the 4 in different sockets/ and the other mono--same result.(Blew 2 fuses in the process)

Ok, A novel to ans your query??--Sorry. My point is that no matter how *these* tubes were tested before I bought them;It didn't matter.--They just wouldn't bias in my amps.No I don't know what gremlins were at work here. A tube tester may not tell you all you want to know-(as in my case)
Wow, what a story, George. Luckily I don't have to bias my power tubes. What I need to measure and match especially are those preamp double triodes and to find those with the least noise.
Detlof; As you might surmise from my previous confession, I'm no help at all. I'm still learning. But every thing I posted regarding output tubes is an actual experience. My education has a ways to go--in all areas. I'm not sure if this "tests well- won't bias" carries over to the pre amp or driver tubes. Where are the guys with the *big brains*?