Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?

Hey, I'm looking to set up a workspace audio system based around my Apple Powerbook G4. I've got about 100 GB of uncompressed audio on an external hard drive. I currently have Monsoon planar speakers and matching subwoofer hooked into the laptop through the 1/8" audio out, which soundsokay, but I think I could do better.

I don't have a PC card slot in the Powerbook, so I'm limited to a USB audio connection. I'm not looking to hook this system up to my "big rig" -- it's just for my workspace. I was looking to bypass getting an amplifier, unless it's fairly small.

I was thinking of going with some powered mini-monitors and maybe some kind of adapter/DAC in between, but I'm space-constrained and not looking to spend more than say, $600 total.

Any suggestions?
I've been looking around a bit...and I've read some good things about the Tivoli Model 2 stereo systems...or possibly a system like Cambridge Soundworks Megaworks 213...

I haven't read up on the Mackies, but I will.
Assuming you already have an Airport card in your Pbook, I'd invest in the new Airport Express, which has a pretty good DAC inside it, by all accounts.
How about a Griffin Powerwave? It takes USB from your Powerbook (which is better than spdif anyway) to a built in dac (I really don't know about the quality of the dac itself) and sends it to a built in tripath amp...$90 which gives you a lotof $$ for speakers. People are buying the Powerwave just for the amp (and modding it also).
BTW, have you tried Apple lossless? It really seems to work..I'm building a digital system around a G4 iBook, external 2.5" drive and a Twin Dac (via USB)... all battery powered, fillterless, without jitter.
Bomarc, what would the benefit of using the airport express be? I'm planning to have my whole system sitting on my desk (and the one shelf underneath it for a possible subwoofer), so I won't really need the wireless aspect...