DAC for AirportExpress around $1k?

I would appreciate recommendations for a DAC in the $1,000 range to use with an Itunes (Apple Lossless)/AirportExpress setup. Using the AirportExpress' analogue out and (alternatively) a cheap DAC, in my experience this equipment suffers the most vs. good CD players in the bass so I'd hope for help from a more expensive DAC in that regard. The winning DAC would also have to accept toslink. Some candidates that come to mind are the new Musical Fidelity "x" DAC and the Benchmark DAC 1 that John Atkinson likes so much. Any experience with these or other recommendations? Has anyone gotten their Airport Express setup to rival a top shelf CD player and if so, what did you use?


A Bel Canto DAC2 can be had for under 1k. I am currently using a Bel Canto 1.1. Both accept RCA and toslink (optical).
The Bel Canto is very smooth and transparent to the point of almost vanishing. I was using a Krell component before which although had great bass, sounded very brittle (to my ears anyway).
See the blue moon review of the bel canto... superb
I am using the digital input on my cary cd306-200. Maybe a 303-200 used would work. Balanced outs etc.

Good luck, its real cool