Market Research in High End Market

Does anyone know of any market research that has been done specifically in the high end industry? Most companies are private, so finding specific information is difficult.
What information are you looking for? The magazines have done a lot of reader polls, but if you are looking for "industrial numbers" like total purchases, inventory levels and turns, good luck- I doubt that you will get any meaningfull numbers.
What kind of research are you looking for? Now you've got me curious as well. Let me know what you find if you wouldn't mind. Thanks!
I do market research for a living. I doubt that anyone save perhaps Sony has done any research on the high end beyond warranty response cards and casual inquiry of the dealer channel.

I'd give anything to run a focus group with audiophiles!
The type of information I am looking for is high end sales figures. This is tricky because "high-end" can be defined in so many ways. One way would be to use companies that have an average component price of say $3000 or more (but the obvious question is why $3000). I would really like to know the total domestic and ROW market size for this "high end" industry. What are the average and ranges of sizes of companies, how many companies are in this group with sales of over $1 million per year. How long have companies been in business, how many employees do they have? I don't really care what the company is but I would love to see a breakdown (table) that described Company A, B, C, D etc in these terms (revenue, employees, yrs in business, # current products, avg life span of individual product). The more comprehensive the better. Keep in mind you asked what "I was looking for"--not that any of this is obtainable. In other industries there are very good independent market research companies that do just this--very comprehensive reports. These reports are expensive, but very useful. I know of no such thing in the audio industry.
Hi Abstract: Sony (marketing) Europe, allegedly, has such a value/volume report, from 1999. The definition of the hi-end market is made according to their own product category classification...

Research conducted in relation to their SACD and surrounding peripherals? I don't know. However, there *were* rumours (in 1999) about Sony entering the "hi-end" market -- so, the figures, if they really exist, must be encouraging.
