What Would you Trade your System FOR?

Since many of us basically have a possessive/obsessive relationship with our system, I am just curious to what you would trade you system for...(and I don't mean for another system either). I'd give mine up in a heartbeat if I am able to travel around the world until it's my last day on earth.
I wouldn't trade even my second system for anything on earth. Music gives me more pleasure and lasting contentment and sense of purpose and meaning in life than anything. However, if I was assured that giving up both my systems would mean no tribe or individual would kill or maim other tribes or individuals for any purpose whatsoever, including religion or territory, then I would definitely do it. But tribalism and murder seem to be inherent in human nature, so to cope I must play music and keep my head together and feet on the ground.
...to fly B2 above the Afgan and see how mountains can turn out flat just like WTC!