What Would you Trade your System FOR?

Since many of us basically have a possessive/obsessive relationship with our system, I am just curious to what you would trade you system for...(and I don't mean for another system either). I'd give mine up in a heartbeat if I am able to travel around the world until it's my last day on earth.
I drove an M5 and was not into it for the $$$, thought the S8 would walk all over it. Maybe not as fast but more refined. The M5 is a little raw to drive, kinda like a CLK 55 AMG they are great and fast as the dickens but untamed and hard to drive. I am looking forward to the new Bugatti, 1001 horsepower!! I probably will never get a chance to drive one though, dang it!
I have never seen or heard of, much less driven, most of the cars you guys are obsessing about! Are they really that spectacular? I drove my friend's BMW 323i a few times and that is the absolute best, smooth shifting, smooth- and FAST-accelerating car I have ever driven. I used to drive a Jetta, now I drive a Mazda MPV automatic (to accommodate two black Labs and various speaker boxes and amps and stands, etc.), so I guess I am an incredible naif about these things. Still, to give up my stereo system for a CAR? Never. But for what Cornfed said, all my expenses, incurred as I wish, for as long as I live? YES.
Could someone very briefly state why the car thing is such a fetish? I could tell the huge difference between the BMW and anything else I've driven, but why go over the top into those formula 5 or whatever race cars?
Interesting coments Sc53, the easiest way to explain it is relating it to audio. Most people would love to have BOSE, but we all prefer good sound, sort of like cars. Once you taste the finner things in life you do what it takes to get it for your own. One of my best friends has a 1999 BMW 323i for his beater car, so I have driven it/beat it many times, it is a very good car. Not in the same class as say an M5, S8 or 911 but paradigm can't run with Avalon, Wilson or Soundlab either, does that mean that paradigm is garbage, NO. Paradgim is possibly one of cheapest true hi-fi set ups you can get, sort of like the 323i being the starting point of cars. Make any sense???
formula 1 sarah. i also have a black lab . he is 1 year old and 110lbs. kick ass dog. the car thing is a guy thing ,well i thought audio was to , but i guess i am wrong. tire guy i disagree about the m5 i love it . it is not worth the extra bucks over the 540 for me , but if i had my dream garage it would have a ferrari f-50 ,ferrari 550, porsche ruff turbo, turbo s 97 model, 95 928 gts 5 speed , an m5 , a 333 ferrari ,360 ferrari cab, a 750il bmw, and an x-5. enough dreaming i guess i will keep my 91 turbo, 97 dodge 2500 4by4 and my damn tunes.