Almost had her...

My wife and I were discussing the miscelaneous minutae of our daily lives last night at dinner when she told me that she wanted to throw out all the CDs in her car's changer. I asked her why, and told her (to cover my own butt) that our two-year-old daughter had picked out all of Mommy's current music. She said that all of the discs sounded bad. The Chicago (chicago XVI, I think) sounded particularly flat.

Of course I smelled blood right away. I said, "Hooray! I get to go shopping." She asked why and I told her that if she could hear the difference, we needed new gear. Perfectly logical, right? Then I started talking about how the stereo had always been MINE, but now it could be OURS. That, I think, scared her off and she started back peddling.

Sigh, it was fun while it lasted.