NYAL booklet- Any value

I have a 118 page booklet called "Understanding Tube Electronics"--- A Study In: Natural Harmonics Audio, written by Harvey Rosenburg Of New York Audio Labs in 1984, apparently just after Julius Futterman passed on his rights and patents to his OTL designs. I was wondering if this would be of any value to a tube afficianado or NYAL collecter.
Hi Sherod:

said above by Sean >>Someone somewhere is always willing to pay good money for someone else's junk.

I just bid it up to $51.hehe
The norm is for bids to go up quite a bit the last few minutes.

I remain,
Harvey would have loved this thread...God bless his soul!
Remember, he was the one who once publically stated, that we should not only mortgage our homes, but also pimp our grannies to buy a decent stereo rig. He glowed, like his tubes and occasionally he blew up and caused shorts all over...like his tubes. Lovely man, not one of those p.c. bores, who abound these days. Also sprach ye olde curmudgeon,
Nice Eulogy Detlof.
Well, for the record, the E-bay books by Harvey went for just over $150.

I remain,
I saw that Ebay auction, Clueless. Hmmmm,oh,well, if I were greedy... Does anyone want a copy before I auction off the original?
Clueless and Sean. Since you were the only ones to show any interest, I will send you both copies at no charge. Please E-mail me your addresses.I am going to get some photocopies made later this week.This offer is good until tomorrow as I am only going to make a few copies and auction the original off on Ebay.