Every make a purchase you truly regret?

Look, we've all done it. We read about that special piece of equipment that catches our eye. Every review seems to be glowing--never a discouraging word. So, after several weeks of reading about it but with no real opportunity to hear it, we decide to "just do it," and buy it, probably selling a vital piece of equipment to afford the new piece.

So we buy the new gear, plug it into the system, and bamm! It just plain stinks! No matter what tweaking we try, we can't seem to grow to like it. Now we're stuck, feeling like a "Class A" chump, another victim of the audio press.

Question: If this situation has ever happened to you, did you try to go back to what you had originally, or did you press on, trying something else altogether? Anyone ever start over completely?

Me? I always seem to try something else altogether, and it's starting to get expensive. However, I'm considering starting over completely. I mean, get rid of EVERYTHING and start from scratch. Any thoughts?
Dekay - That's some neighborhood you're in there...I guess being the audiophile on the block must make you the local weirdo if sorts :-)
oh crap...why remind me albert?

the film was shot, reedited and then a new score was added. An amazing one. all improv to the film. the guy was like a black tom waits and was perfect. Toledo. he plays around hollywood (thetoledoshow.com) amazing.

[i could go on for days)

then i got caught in a lawsuit because i found out the company was stealing the film and selling it overseas. that took months and months of my time but i nailed the shit ouf of that company like tyson going mental on a toddler. it felt good but my film is still screwed. i'm in the process of bringing it back around ... we'll see. the experience took me 10 notches closer to ...you know...'going out the window.' and i only had about 15 notches to go when i started. maybe things will work out...but at this point i'd consider a victory if i didn't wind up on the 5 o'clock news after having shot up century city (only at certain people)

while i have you on the phone:

i need to decide between two options and was hoping you could help. i have a credit and can buy either 1 - VPI Aries with 10" arm (~3,600) OR both VPI Aries with 9" arm and the VPI SDS box for controling speed. The two options about equal the same amount. im going ahead with your approval of the Luckaschek phono stage - will i have to get rid of my HO Benz Glider do you thnk?
thanks albert
Definitely go with the deal that includes the SDS box. The improvement that makes is significant, much more than the difference in the tonearm.

The HO Benz is fine with Lukaschek, you will have dynamics and signal to noise to "burn."
Thanks once again, Albert. The dealer offered a package to me and so i can buy a new aries with a 10" arm AND the SDS box for my price so it's no longer an either or. I think because i listen mostly to jazz that i'll go with the 10" arm and of course the SDS.