What do you think about this ?

Do you think this member deserves a negative feedback ?

I've an add running to sell some speaker cable and this one member emailed me the first day I put the ad saying, I'll but right now if you accept my offer, I accept and emailed back to him and did not get any reply.
I got a new email from him today after 15 days saying , I'll but the cables if you accept this price, I accept and email back to him and I don't get a reply at all.

How do I stop this nonsense ? Should I leave a negative feedback ? Appreciate your opinion.
Knock yourself out. Ignore the rules. Interesting that the guy who backed out was within Audiogon guidelines and you are saying that you will go outside of them if you receive another e-mail. Warren, the reason that Audiogon has the policy is so they don't spend all of their time hearing disputes based on heresay and miscommunication. I agree that it is a problem. Your suggestion of lobbying for change, if that is what you believe, is far better than your first suggestion which would be going against the rules of conduct on this site.
Break the rules? Who me? Never. Now, that you've shown me the light? Never!! good night guys. peace, warren
It's an ugly situation to be sure. There are hard feelings. I don't deny any of this.

Yet, it still does not fall into what warrants feedback being left. Viridian is 100% right. I realize that you are sore, but you need to get past this at some point.

As Viridian also points out, this is some of the BS that we face here on the internet. If you are sensitive to the point where it drives you to this level of distraction, maybe you should evaluate whether you really have inside of you what it takes to play in this arena.

We have all been in bad situations as either buyers or sellers. I could tell more than a few stories myself. Let's face facts, this isn't a perfect world.

Let's also realize what would happen if you threw a neutral or negative his way. Don't you think he would reciprocate in kind? Do you really want that? How would you feel after all of what you went through to have negative feedback on top of it all? After all, you are the victim in this situation.

If you feel so strongly about it, may I suggest you out the guy right here in this thread.
Alright guys, let's rest the issue. Appreciate all the comments, suggesstions form all of you. Thanks.