Do we break in our componets or do our componets ?

Do we break in our componets or do our componets break us in? I recently added a new addition on to my home. During this process I broke my system down and boxed it up for about 7 weeks. I had dedicated cryoed outlets installed w/ 10 ga romex. The first 10 days or so my sound was horrible with a capital H. I was very distraught to say the least. Over the last 3 days things have changed a lot for the better or so I believe. Have I become adjusted to this sound or did my componets and cables need to break in again? Or is it the breaking in of the new dedicated lines and cryoed outlets? What gives?
The human mind is wonderful at adapting. It is one of those realties that the subjective audiophile is always running against. It is one of those realities that subjective audiophiles refuse to accept and believe that they, through training, superior ears or often total poppycock, can rise above. It ain't necessarily so. There is some kind of window of opportunity in listening to any new system or change in an existing system: listen long enough and it starts to sound good (unless it is atrocious, but very few decent systems fall in that category), jump to quick conclusions on a very short audition and chances are the punchier system will win out. I believe that break-in is first and foremost in the listener. The slight changes that can occur in the equipment itself produce results that are so marginal that one has to strain to hear anything, unless a true believer. Listen to the tunes. Good day.
It's all of the above! Surely we ourselves get broken in somewhat but many of us have experience with breaking in a terrible sounding component without listening to it for several days, and then hearing an enormous improvement. I suppose you could still attribute that to psychological/physiological issues, but then again those of us who have alot of experience have also tried breaking in componenets that just never came around. As to the system requiring re-break-in, I've experienced this also, and attributing this completely to ear/brain issues doesn't hold water when you have other components to compare to (before and after).
It is a little of both.

I have multiple systems at my disposal, so I doubt that I could get use to listening to one system that was sonically painfull to listen to.

But then a couple of them have similar brand components; just a matter of level; such as floorstanding and bookshelf speakers of the same brand, with similar drivers; along with same brand amp (different level model as well); so I do like that sound signature, even though one system is more refined.

The other systems have totally different components, but my guess is that the sound signature is also similar in some respects.