Do we break in our componets or do our componets ?

Do we break in our componets or do our componets break us in? I recently added a new addition on to my home. During this process I broke my system down and boxed it up for about 7 weeks. I had dedicated cryoed outlets installed w/ 10 ga romex. The first 10 days or so my sound was horrible with a capital H. I was very distraught to say the least. Over the last 3 days things have changed a lot for the better or so I believe. Have I become adjusted to this sound or did my componets and cables need to break in again? Or is it the breaking in of the new dedicated lines and cryoed outlets? What gives?
Anyone denying the effects of break-in should try a new (if you can find one) Sony NS-500V SACD player. Out of the box it sounded okay, then it got increasingly awful - one friend said he literally couldn't stand to listen to it -- and gradually it "recovered" and ultimately became downright musical. My second SACD player, a SONY XA777ES, went through the same metamorphosis although not as dramatically. Again, I was not the only one to hear it happen. The whole process took a long time, at least 100 playing hours and probably much more. I've had other break-in experiences that were equally real but not as marked.
Here's a tip, let your friend break in your new equipment for 2 months... Don't listen to it at all until it's broken in... Once broken in, bring back the new item in your system. If it sounds harsh and then later start sounding better then it's your ears that are getting used to the bad sound :-)
Some stuff definitely needs to break in.

I've seen amps that sound pretty good out of the box, but
are missing the bass and over the next few weeks, playing the
gear continuously, the bass fills in, highs extend, etc.

This doesn't mean you have to like the sound after the
component has broken in.

You do have to give your gear time, but you also have to
trust your ears. If you find yourself continually *trying*
to like your system -- that's probably a warning sign of
some sort.

IMO, you have to give each component a fair shot, but you also have to be willing to move on and try other stuff in
your system until you're happy.

Tinker, tinker, tinker.

IMO, this is what is so *PERFECT* about Audiogon. You can
usually purchase a component used, try it in your system --
keep it immaculate, save the packaging, etc. -- most cases the gear should be broken in if it is used -- but, I've bought used stuff that still broke in further -- and if after giving it a fair shot it doesn't work, sell it for close to what you paid.

As you mix and match, you'll get a feel for how different
components affect the sound, which piece in your system is'the "weak link," etc.

Don't stop until you're happy.

Hughes 12:
Welcome to the break-in wars. All our products are broken-in before sale or demo; you now have an insight to the problem. An unbroken-in piece of wire smaller than one inch will throw a system into a tail spin. Any solder joint that has been re-connected will do the same. We found using a tuner for a source or applying a large amount of current did not get the job done. So we were stuck playing music 24/30. To solve the problem we collaborated with another company and the outcome was the “Cable Cooker”. But now a new problem has emerged. As the products resolution increases so does the duration of break-in time. What once took 3 days on the “cooker” is now taking 3 weeks [our most advanced designs]. Every time you push the envelope, the envelope pushes back.
"An unbroken-in piece of wire smaller than one inch will throw a system into a tail spin."

I'm a believer in "break in," but I would have to say I'm skeptical about taking "break in" this far. Maybe it depends on the definition of "tail spin."