How international is your system?

I just realized that each of my components is from a different country (and they all seemingly get along fine!).

Wondering how international other people's systems are. Mine:

Scotland (turntable and cartridge)
Canada (phono pre)
England (CDP and tape deck)
New Zealand (integrated amp)
France (speakers)
Holland (ICs)
US (cables, cords)
Wierd, everything BUT the electronics is U.S.: (cables, 5 speakers, stands, tweaks, cones, shelves, power conditioning, power cords, etc.).

ALL the electronics, however, are from abroad:
CDPs: UK and Japan a la Dutch
Pre: New Zealand
Amp: Canada
DVD and HT Receiver: Japan
Cans: Germany

I guess, in honesty, I must confess a US headphone amp and two "backup" preamps (really aught to sell those) -- so there's 'Merkin made electronics about, just not seeing active duty.
Decidedly European with international flavour added to taste...

Turntable - mothballed : (
CD Transport - French
DAC - French
Universal Player - Japanese (tweaked by a Californian)
PreAmp - English
PowerAmp - English
Speakers - English
All Cables - American
Tweaks - American
Rack - Danish
Granite Slabs - Indian
Software - from all over the world
Room - currently in Singapore !
Here goes ... using "country" as country of manufacture ...

System #1: Amp (UK); SACD (Japan); Speakers (USA); Tuner/Vintage Receiver (Japan); Cables (USA).

System #2: Amp (China); CDP (Japan); Tuner (China); DVD (Japan); TV (Indonesia); Speakers (USA); Cables (USA).

System #3: Vintage Receiver (Japan); CDP (China); Speakers (USA); Cables (USA).

Amazing how much equipment is coming out of China.

Regards, Rich
Phono Step-up Transformer
All Cables
Speaker Cabinets

Speaker Drivers

AC Cords - American

IC's - American

Conditioner - American

Int. Amp - American

CDP - China/Canada

Tuner - Japan

Wires- Scandinavian/American

Drivers - Scandinavian

X-Overs - American

Where is MDF Grown?

Stands - 'Mercan Steel + Sand

Rack - 'Mercan Steel/Canadian Maple

Tweeks - American/Japanese/American