How international is your system?

I just realized that each of my components is from a different country (and they all seemingly get along fine!).

Wondering how international other people's systems are. Mine:

Scotland (turntable and cartridge)
Canada (phono pre)
England (CDP and tape deck)
New Zealand (integrated amp)
France (speakers)
Holland (ICs)
US (cables, cords)
Turntable - Italy
Tonearm - Britain
Cartridge - Switzerland
Phono & Pre - USA
Amps - Germany
Speakers - USA
Cables - USA & Germany
American speakers
Japanese CDP
Afghan receiver.

I don't know where the receiver was made, but it seems to be third world!
Cloudgif... yes, I'm sure you're right! It's like the so-called European Airbus airliners that are actually composed of parts, including US engines, from all over the world (Korean fuselage, so I'm told). Same with our cars, I'm sure.
Amp: Taiwan, English design (or so they say.....)
Phono-pre: see above
Turntable: Switzerland
Arm: USA
Cartridge: Denmark (guess what?)
Speakers: UK
CD: Japan
Tuner: Japan
Cassette: Japan
And then there are some various bits and pieces from all over the world. Considering the state of the world today it's some sort of miracle that it produces music at all.....