PS Audio Power Pant vs Shunyata Hydra conditioner

Has anybody had the opportunity to compare a PS Audio power plant with MWI or MWII to a Shunyata Hydra ac conditioner? I have a PS Audio P500 and I think it's quite nice but I'm reading and hearing the Hydra is superior sonically in every way. The only thing is that it doesn't regulate a constant voltage but this may become a non issue as were moving to a newer place of our own and I will have a nice dedicated room just for the stereo system and I will put in a dedicated line if one does not already exist in that room.It was previously a video screening room and is 18feet by 13 feet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would recommend the Hydra strongly over the power plants, I have heard more then a few power plants and they do create a very black background but they compress the sound and suffer from current limiting if pushed. I can't say for sure but on a few systems it sounded as though when the unit was being used the soundstage was more defined but smaller then with out. The hydra has none of those short comings yet still doesn't integrate well with some systems(then again what component is perfect for everyone?). You may also want to look into the Sound Applications and Jena Labs conditioners, they are a little bit more money but seem to work well with any system they are used on(in the 110v world that is :).The sound applications has all of the benefits of the ps audio paired with the benefits of the hydra. I am told (but have not heard for myself) that the jena labs washing machine takes it to even another level, this comrd from a few sources I consider to be highly reliable.

BTW there is another inexpensive pc conditioner that is getting a lot of rave it is the Balanced power technology aka BPT, I read the white papers from that company and it seems like an interesting idea, more then that I don't know much about it.
If you're going to condsider Hydra, please think strongly about the Audio Magic line. The Stealth and Matrix conditioners are unbelievable. I love mine. peace, warren