Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...

Guy's I came across a story today that gives new meaning to the word "BASS". This baby has bass 57 octaves lower than middle-C. You've got to check this out!
Actually they did try to computer-sumulate reversing the tone and there was some talk of an apparition of Adam Sandler (calling out for his father?) and then the experiment was mysteriously, and abruptly cancelled...
Riddle me this, Batman: If a Black Hole generates a deep bass note in space and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Seriously though, can sound be generated in a lack of air? Doesn't the wave front created make sound by pushing the air around it? Pardon me if I sound ignorant, but I was absent from school the day we covered astrophysics and quantum mechanics ;)
Did you hear the latest news about Dr Amar Bose applying for the patent for "Balckhole Bass(TM)"?
maybe it pulses through anti matter? or dark matter? or radiation? hmm...

i heared a thimble full of dark matter would weigh as much as a US Aircraft Carrier.
Slipknot1, if you read the article, you'd see that the sound waves were rippling through gas, and gas should support sound -- I know it does in my room. :)