What does Flat Earth mean in audio circles?

I have seen several references to Flat Earthers. My impression is that brands such as Naim, Linn, and Mana are associated, but why? What are they talking about?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Just a little side note...

First Earth is not flat nor it is perfectly round. Its elliptical.

Flat Earth is an approximation because over a small area(surface area). The surface of the earth may appear flat, since the "bending" of the surface is very hard to detect over small distances.

What does any of this has to do with audio?? Not a damn thing but I was bored and I figured I'd amuse you all...

Have a good day
Ffontan...Actually, not elliptical. It's an "oblate spheroid" with many anomalies. (We get into this in the field of balistic missile guidance). And the shape changes several inches during the day.."land tide", and thermal effects. This science is almost as complex as audio.
What that you say? Next thing you know some one will say there is no man in the moon eating cheese. The earth is not oblate or elliptical! Its flat, damm it!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeh, I'm having a very slow day too.

Thanks for the correction, this is too funny...I work on the defense industry too. I guess I was guilty of making yet ANOTHER approximation by saying it's eliptical.

I have never worked on Guidance Systems for Ballistic Missiles, although I've worked on tracking problems before. I work mostly on image processing, and pattern recognition(ATR)...I love the subject of Fuzzy Pattern Recognition(I also like Neural Network theory) but no one in the industry seems to give a damn about it...