What's the oldest piece of gear in your system?

This site is here for the buying and selling of Audio equipment. This causes me to wonder if most of us have relatively new equipment. If most of it is new, what is the oldest piece of equipment still in use, and why are you still using it?

My oldest piece is a Sota Star Sapphire, but it has been upgraded. It was originally purchased as a Sapphire in the 80's, but was upgraded to a Star Sapphire about two or three years ago.

What's your story?
I think I may have some form of audiophile OCD, nothing is older then 8 months now.
wow..an apt/holman preamp purchased in 1978.chuckle,i think i'll put it up for sale
A pioneer tx6500 tuner. Beats the hell out of most surround receiver tuner sections made today. I bought it around 1972 or 1973.
Although the components are not currently being used, I still have the first system I purchased back in 1973. The set up includes a Sansui 8 receiver, a Teac A-640 cassette tape deck, a Technics SL-1301 turntable and Epicure Twenty Plus speakers. I suspect they have resided in 17 different apartments, condos and houses since being purchased in 1973.