Tuner choices? Help me please

I want a tuner with a remote. I'm looking for a used unit. I constantly switch stations. I looking at the Musical Fidelity A.3 (not 3.2 cannot afford used), Parasound T/DQ-1600, and Carver TX-12. All seem good for the used price. Any opinions? Comments. Please help I need a tuner.
Easy: find any early 90's NAD Monitor Series tuner (4300?) tuner/pre(?) or full receiver (7100, 7400, 7600). These all have their wonderful FM tuner with selectable IF, selectable noise filtering, and FAR better sound than their newer T7xx HT receivers, for example. As I understand it the one manufacturer of critical an IF or RF decoded stopped making them a few years ago, so all cheap tuners are compromised. I still use a NAD 7400 in my basement rec room, with simple FM rabbit ears. Great FM, fair but ultraflexible pre, ballsy THX amp.

I have a 7100 I use in my garage system, good value and appropriate for the task. My dealer tells me the 7x00 series are prone to failure, specifically the power swtich gives out and there are no replacment parts available. Have you heard this... any idea of a workaround if the power switch calls it a day?

p.s. good suggestion, didn't occur to me to think of the old NAD stuff
This one's easy (if you don't need AM):

Used Onkyo T-9090II
Used Fanfare FT-1 or FT-1A.

I owned an Onkyo T-9090II for roughly 8 years before I
replaced it with a Fanfare FT-1A about 2 years ago. The Onkyo
is better than the Fanfare for DX'ing but the Fanfare sounds
*MUCH* better on medium/strong signals.