Tuner choices? Help me please

I want a tuner with a remote. I'm looking for a used unit. I constantly switch stations. I looking at the Musical Fidelity A.3 (not 3.2 cannot afford used), Parasound T/DQ-1600, and Carver TX-12. All seem good for the used price. Any opinions? Comments. Please help I need a tuner.
Hi Jeff, So I have infected you I see (LOL!).

The Creek T43 is a fine tuner with remote. Upgrade the stock power cord while you are at it.

Too expensive or can't find a used one???..........

then the Cambridge T500 is the same Creek design with a few corners cut to lower the cost (like made in asia instead of UK). The remote is extra ($39), but is good since if you find a used one, it is easy to pick up a remote from any Cambridge dealer.

Upgrading the power cord on the T500 is a must for the best sound. Try the Blue Circle BC61 ($80). Same for the Creek. Also put Vibrapods under them for issolation ($6 each). Cleans up the image a little.

The Marantz ST6000 mentioned above is also a good choice.

If you can live without a remote, some of the vintage Kenwood tuners have great sound. I have a KT8300 and KT6500.

My favorite audio cables for FM tuners that can be had used, are the original JPS Superconductor or its close clone the Millersound Labs.
When I got my tuner, I wanted AM capability with plenty of presets plus control flexibility and of course good FM sound. I settled on an Audiolab 8000T and haven't regretted the choice, but I know what Finsfan means about wanting a remote control. Does anyone think any of the options mentioned above could fill the shoes of my tuner without giving anything up, but still adding the remote control? If not, I'd stick with the Audiolab (no longer made)...
Jeff...not familiar with power switch problems. If mine ever breaks I'll probably just hard-wire one of my PCs around it or build a switched PoBox, as I use for my remote monos. Probably improve the preamp S/N too. But again, such a fine tuner sction....