What did YOU get for Christmas?

Now that the living room floor is covered with wrapping paper and the kids are camped in front of their newest video game, it's time to take a poll of 'goners and see what audio trinkets Santa brought everyone this year.

For me, it was a Kimber cable in my stocking to connect my iPod docking station to my Linn Classik, and a Tivoli Model 3 clock radio for the bedroom.

How about all the rest of you? Were you good girls and boys this year?
Along with clothes and other 'usuals', my wife and I found out that she is pregnant with our first child.

This is most definitely the best Christmas I have ever had.

Congratulations, Z! That is for sure the best present you could ask for! Welcome to a brave new world!

Damn new PC that's really good however it uses WindowsXP-aaarghhhhhhh more bugs than Starship Troopers.
Sure do wish I could download that damn sevice pack.
Hoping a superior sevice to be resumed soon.
Santa bought and brought me a Krell SACD player some more fabulous Sonoran Plateau cables and a Bravo 1 dvd player. All are excellent and of high value. That Santa guy and I always agree. Tom