Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.

Don't see anything wrong with industry announcements. Think they are even allowed @ AA. Otherwise, many people wouldn't be aware of Jack.

As you notified everyone (in a timely manner) of your industry interests, you've always been square in my book.

Same goes for Joe/Trelja (recently read of him working with a manufacturer, forget the details though).

It's the underhanded industry people who rub me the wrong way, not the up front/honest ones (regardless of what their opinions may be).
twl's post is straight ad copy. Throw in a price list and his phone number, and he would have had to pay to say the same thing anywhere else. Step right up and check out our 30 day money-back no-risk no-liability home test options folks. Everybody loves us.

Take this thread, compare to threads of a few years ago (e.g Redkiwi's posts on vibration experiments), and then extrapolate into the future. Exponential marketing creep.
Flex is right in his assessment. Robert Maicks stated point blank that Sistrum has an advertising agreement with audiogon. And if you do not read Twl's second paragraph as an ad here is another:

"Try some Audiopoints under it...

Disclaimer: I work for a company that manufactures vibration control devices. 1-800-307-0728"

They are not rare, and the content of the rest of Twl's posts in which these ads are inserted is not relevant.

I think how past audiogoners would have reacted is hard to say, but I would guess there would be more peer pressure against the ads. They didn't react kindly to Robert's shills; that is all I really know. Not that I would be a real loss, I would move to AA, no problem, but after four years I do not like the idea of being displaced by people like Twl and I am not keen on re-familiarizing myself.

"Simply because there are a couple of posters here who seemingly can't stand to have anything said about products or companies that they don't like"

Please give names of posters and companies, so I can know better. Because all I see is posters not liking your company, not because your products buck the establishment or any bullshit like that, its because you and your company are behave unethically. You have been in narcissistic wonderment about that reason all along.

"They are not moderators, nor do they have any power to determine what is said here..."

Audiogon has taken action from poster pressure in the past and nobody survives in a community that shuns them.

"...any more than I do."

I have not forgotten Sistrum's deal with audiogon.

***In ethics one question to ask if everybody did the same thing, how would that affect the community?***

PS - "Certainly, we understand that some have difficulty understanding our technology"

Not "understanding", "believing". Don't tell us Warren has the technical incites Sean does. Plus you had to defer to your engineers because as a salesman, you couldn't handle the technical debate. Its all either upstairs or deleted.
Well said Ohlala. However Sistrum's goons will now come in with a barrage of 'don't knock what you haven't tried', and 'I tried it (against an unstated control, which could have been dog turd) and liked it', to simply skew the discussion back to their advertising message.

I'm with Dekay.


- which for the dim-witted, spells BORING!
Ohlala, I'm sorry that you feel that way. But of course, with your past posting history, I'm not surprised.

I'd express my opinions about you too, but don't want to sully the board as you did.

For one who apparently feels so high and mighty as to pass judgment(ie: narcissistic) on others here, you show quite a need of humility yourself. Whether YOU "believe" our technology, or not, is of no concern to me. Many others who actually use our items KNOW that they work well, and need no "beliefs" to bolster their experiences.

If you feel that Sean is the benchmark of audio knowledge, fine, but I would disagree. However, you seem to be somewhat selective in your opinion of whose "ethics" you approve of, and perhaps you need to review the reasons for his dismissal for extreme lack of them.

All my posts have withstood the scrutiny of the moderators here, and they have been monitored. Starsound's "deal" with Audiogon is the same as any other supporting advertiser, without whom the members would not enjoy the benefit of this website.

Whether you, or others, personally like me or not, is not a matter of priority to me. What matters to me is that some members of this website can get better sound from their systems by learning things about audio here, and that is why I post here. Not a popularity contest. I found out long ago that I can't please everybody all the time, and apparently you are one(among a few others) that isn't pleased. That's okay with me.

I've reduced my posting on this board by about 80% from my previous contributions, and the bulk of my typing time now comes from answering many emails from members asking me for advice about their systems. Oddly enough, they don't share your views about me. And I do everything I can to help them. And many times I don't even discuss anything that I sell. Surprise!

But actually, I don't need to explain myself to you, or anyone else. Let the chips fall where they may. You're taking your shot at "poster pressure". Let's see how far it gets you. You won't get me thrown off here by baiting me into a tirade or anger fit. I've been around way too long to bite on that one.

Back to playing records now.