TIps for photographing gear for ads?

I'm not happy with the pictures I take of my gear for classified ads. Looking for simple pointers on lighting, composition, etc. Simple. Did I remember to say simple?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Both suggestions already offered are good. As a professional photographer, the other great tweak for an image is "fill light."

This is achieved by placing a large white cardboard flat in a position to fill the shadows created by the sun or (your own) artificial light.

This provides a natural look, opening the shadows and providing shape and texture between the main (source) light and deep shadows. Opening the photo this way extends the tonal range and color, making it easier for your digital chip to record and Audiogon to display.

Aluminum foil wrapped around a cookie sheet works for very small objects and provides extra punch when needed. Both of these are free and can make the difference between just an average shot and a great one.
Everything said previously is spot on. Don't use the digital portion of your zoom however.
Apart from ways to capture the model itself, adding something else, like a green houseplant or small antique, creates visual interest. Background choice helps too. For example, placing the model on a grainy wooden table or oriental carpet can help your pic stand out. If you need to go outdoors for the best light spreading a drape, like your favorite leather jacket, can hide distracting elements like peeling paint or broken concrete.
Marco is probably too busy playing in his sandbox, that or Diesel ate his C-stand so he couldn't be of any help even if he wanted to. Besides we got Badass Albert Porter The Texas Shooter here!

After you've taken your digital photos, e-mail 'em to me and I'll practice my dark arts on them and manipulate the photos so your Rega Planet looks like an Audiomeca Mephisto.

Nothing like a little fraud to spice up an ad!