Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?

Has anyone heard the XP-30 that was released a couple of weeks ago?

I have the XP-10 and just wondering how much better the XP-30 is at $16.5K? How does it stack up against the Ayre KXR preamp?
I have an XP 10 and love it. I have auditioned the XP 20 and I like my XP 10 better. I am not saying that the XP 10 is better. Iam saying I like the XP 10 better than the XP 20. I felt that the XP 20 has more drive and more detail but I cannot listen to as long as the XP 10.
Thesoundhouse--interesting! I have the XP10 and love it too and have always wondered about the XP20--can you be more specific about why you stuck w/ the XP10? How did bass compare? That XP30 looks out of control--or totally in control, depending on how you look at it. Looks like it's best for a complex, multi-amp system with external crossovers--like Nelson's own system! Anyway, it is nice to see Pass always pushing the envelope. We'll probably see an XP10.5 soon!
I am looking at the XP-20...seems to me if you don't need all the inputs of the XP-30, the XP-20 should do the trick. The sound has to be very close when comparing the two or am I missing something ?
That said, I'm using a venerable Mark Levinson 380S. Does anyone have any opinions on how the ML 380S would compare to Pass XP series pre ?
I recently upgraded my X1 to the XP-10 and love the change!

Mark with Reno HiFi has an XP-30 in stock or did and said it was a great piece with lots of flexibility.