How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?

I found myself spending a half hour on my lunch break at work, and an additional two hours at home !!
I won't mention weekends.
My system sounds great.
Anyone else out there have this habit ?

I envy you; I wish I could drive to work. Driving is one of the things I miss the most. Ah, to hold a stick in my right hand and row the gears..............
Maybe a half hour at work and an hour at home, but it varies. I'm thinking about getting a second computer networked in to the main one downstairs. It would be a laptop so I could sit in the sweet spot while listening to music and look at audiogon at the same time.
WELL, I see many of us NEED "some help?"
I'm guilty as hell, look, I'm HERE AGAIN at 6:45AM !!!!!
Just to check this thread, yeah right, I'm in DENIAL !!!!
Saving gas trips though, like Bigkidz said, what a weak excuse !!!!
I have to go to work now, (I "might" ? sneak on Audiogon at lunch)
Sometime I think a drug or gambling addiction, for me, would be easier to deal with.
