Moving to Tucson, AZ

I would appreciate any reccomendations from fellow A-Goners regarding good stores in the Tucson area to buy/trade high end 2 channel gear (not into HT at all). Similarly, if there are any Audiophile societies/clubs, I would appreciate that information also.

Thanks in advance for your response. - Daddy-O
Wilson Audio is worth a visit as far as down-to-earth,
no nonsense dealers go. There's not a lot of competition,
however. My recent system (Creek, Blue Circle, Edge Amp,
Innersound) was all mail order.
Thanks for the replies, all. I'll check out the AZ AV club when I get to town. - Daddy-O.
I agree with Hifidreams -- Tucson is a desert, in more ways than one. There are no worthwhile audio shops and very few audiophiles. I once tried to start an audio club in Tucson, but there was not enough interest. Phoenix has some decent audio shops and many more audiophiles, but it's a bit of a hike.
When I moved to Nogales 16 years ago, Tucson had several decent shops. Wilson audio is still worth an occasional visit. Phoenix has some stores worth the drive.