Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good?

In the midst of searching for a budget tube amp. Lots of chinese made models keep popping up. The price on these amps are often really low and would give someone like me a chance to try the tube sound for cheap.

Do you guys have any good experiences with them?

Reason I'm asking is that I hear many conflicting experiences online on each amp. Some say their amps are really good, some say they are really bad - each model might have 5 good reviews and 5 bad reviews. I guess this is par for course with audio, where subjectivity is the rule of the game. However, chinese amps tend to have the largest disparity of opinions.

The models I've read up on so far are: Mingda amps, Miniwatt N3, Yaqin amps etc.
don't do it. a buddy of mine tried one (dared) & it was noisy as hell the whole time & needed a replacement volume control shortly thereafter. for around $1K or less you can find a nice hard-wired tube amp built here. this may piss off some folks but i am trying my best not to contribute to this whole 'going to hell in a chinese handbasket' thing. I'm w/ya Paul....
The only good budget amps are used amps that weren't budget when they were new. If you want new you're looking at $1700 to get something that won't catch fire while you're at work. You'd be best off at your local salon doing A/B comparisons with tube and solid state. There's nothing better than forming a relationship with your local salon as well. In the long run, you might end up saving yourself a lot of headaches by doing that.
I actually was the importer for one of the Chinese brands mentioned above for several years. Obviously, there are a lot of stories to be told about that.

In general, I would say that if you are going to buy one Chinese high-end audio product, it would likely best be a low cost tube amplifier. In my opinion, as soon as you hit midlevel, you're far better off buying something made elsewhere. The poor resale of Chinese components is reflective, among other things, of the ZERO pride of ownership that comes with the territory.

As I currently own both products, I'll echo the Dynaco and Quicksilver recommendations. You can also do very well (IOW - a lot better than the Chinese kit) by looking into used products from the likes of ARC, Cary, Jadis, Manley, VAC, and VTL.
There are three PrimaLuna integrateds for sale on Audiogon right now starting at $1,000. One of these might be a good way to get your first experience with tubes.
On your budget a Dynaco ST 70 by Will Vincent or Bob Latino is where you should be looking.