Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good?

In the midst of searching for a budget tube amp. Lots of chinese made models keep popping up. The price on these amps are often really low and would give someone like me a chance to try the tube sound for cheap.

Do you guys have any good experiences with them?

Reason I'm asking is that I hear many conflicting experiences online on each amp. Some say their amps are really good, some say they are really bad - each model might have 5 good reviews and 5 bad reviews. I guess this is par for course with audio, where subjectivity is the rule of the game. However, chinese amps tend to have the largest disparity of opinions.

The models I've read up on so far are: Mingda amps, Miniwatt N3, Yaqin amps etc.

That gives me pause, as far as turntables are concerned. But there does seem to be enough outlets stateside that sell Jolida, among them VTV, Quest For Sound, NewTube, USATubeAudio, SpearitSound, and others. I believe one offers cap upgrades (VTV) as well. But then if I do get it, then off to Brent Jesse for some '70s Mazda NOS tubes and whatever else he recommends in my price range.

I'm getting so close to talking myself into this with funds so tight. Damn.

All the best,
Ive had a Jolida 102-B for about 8 years that I use for a back up for my seperates.I have it playing now.My power amp is going in for repairs.The Jolida is stock except tubes,and it sounds very good! Very musical!Heavy little thing!Never regreted buying it.The first one they sent me had shipping damage,I called them and they sent out a replacement right away.I was surprised that it arrived damaged as it was packaged very well with fitted foam and heavy double boxed.
Nonoise, I believe Jolida represents an incredibly sound purchase. Unlike most Chinese gear, you have support, and won't get crushed if the day comes to move it. As things are, I have a delightful Chinese integrated for sale here on Audiogon at just over 25% of its original cost, and it's attracted just about zero interest.

No one's going to represent Jolida as the best obtainable sound. But the level of performance you will get will far exceed the ratio of its cost in comparison with the better gear available. Though I live happily with Dynaco, Jadis, and Quicksilver products, I could also live happily with a Jolida tube amplifier.
M&C - I'll add another vote for the Maryland, USA-based
JoLida. I have a 502B integrated bought new 12 year old.
This piece was my introduction to tubes and I liked it very
much from the beginning. Over time, I switched to KT88s and
some better small tubes; upgraded the power cord; lastly,
had it upgraded at the factory a few years ago. Price for
mods was very reasonable and yielded an additional
improvement to the sound. For me, this amp was something I
could grow with. Only reason not using it day to day now is
because I went to mono-blocks (also Chinese) for more power.
The Totem Forests not that efficient. Am toying with
getting a pair of the much more efficient Tekton Lores just
so I can run the Jolida. Not sure how a 2nd set of speakers
will go over domestically, however. Hopefully you'll be
able to visit a shop that carries the brand and get a listen
(and a look). Good luck.

Nonoise - do it, do it.
Trelja & Ghosthouse,

Nothing like testimonial from credible and sound sources such as yourselves.
That Forbes article on the trials and tribulations of Michael Allen made me wince. Lesser men would have folded. He saw something in that product and persevered. And your cost/enjoyment ratio explanation strikes an inner chord.

You two are like little devils on my shoulder urging me on. Shame on you. :-)

All the best,