Oooops Just got caught...

What do you tell your spouse when she walks into the darkened room and catches you smiling and gazing intently at the warm glow of your tube amp? Yeah, the music was on but she's not easily fooled. Well?
Hmm...thought you were talking about something more personal.

Mine just smiles...she knows I'm wacko.
I would tell her I was thinking how much I loved her, and saw her beautifull face in the glowing tubes. Having said that, I would show her the brochure of a new, better (and more expensive) piece of kit, and say 'Imagine how much I would love you if I had this ........ in my system'.

Success NOT guaranteed.....
Share your happiness with her. She'll be glad.
The problem with happiness is that it seems to escape many people much of the time; the good thing about it is that it is freely available to all people all of the time.
Tell her to knock before entering, she just blew your moment away!

Happy Listening