Oooops Just got caught...

What do you tell your spouse when she walks into the darkened room and catches you smiling and gazing intently at the warm glow of your tube amp? Yeah, the music was on but she's not easily fooled. Well?
I thought that perhaps you got caught in an audio price fib...

"What is this receipt for?"(her)
"What receipt?" (you)
"This one" She hands you the McIntosh amp receipt.
You start to sweat and think fast.
"You told me that it cost $75 and this receipt says $1950"
She starts to do that stare that only women can do.
Man, why did I not hide that better!!
"Oh, that! That was just done so that when I sell the preamp, I can state that I have a receipt for $1950 and thus be able to get a greater price for it!" Jeez, am I good, you think.
"How did you pay for it" (her)
Oh, think fast, think fast. What method is the best method to hide it from her? Damn, why did I put it on my credit card! Now she's gonna look it up and I'm toast.
She's waiting, waiting...
sounds more like you just just got caught "burning" one...are you sure you weren't smiling and gazing intently at the pint of Ben & Jerry's?

As long as you didn't have a hot tube in your hand, you probably didn't get burned.
"I picked this stuff up at the Salvation Army...sound's pretty good, eh? And with the money we saved we'll be able to build that deck out back that you've been asking for!" Then make sure to get up, give her a big hug, take out the garbage, and go and pick up some nice flowers, some chocalate, and some good wine to make up with her after she discovers you're lying like a sack, as usual. Don't even think she won't my friend. Women are hard-wired to detect such things. Little red lights go off somewher inside their heads, along with a nagging alarm, much like the 'dive' signal in those old submarine movies. The alarm causes headaches that can last for months. No, I sh*t you not...I've heard the alarm myself coming out'ta my wife's ears that time I told her I just wanted to store the LaScala's in the living room for a few days while I cleared a space for them at work. They got some gel knee pads over at Home Depot that'll really save your knees for all that time you spend on them begging for forgiveness. Don't forget the wine. You may want to rent a Johnny Depp film too.
