Wife approval factor?

So it seems that alot of you guys seem to have problems with your wifes or girlfriends on speaker issues and I was wondering what type of women yall date/married.

My mother has always approved of my speakers and has generally liked them. And my girlfriend also loves my speakers. When she heard my new JM Lab speakers she hugged me and gave me a kiss before she started dancing with me. Am I just lucky or what? Or are yall even serieous about the wife thing?
Wow what a subject. I've read through them all and have
learned the following:

The wive's of the Klipsch guys are by far the most

If she has that hard of a time with your main hobby, what
else is she unhappy about?

Keep your hifi money in a secret place. If they think it
was only ten dollars, then it was ten dollars.

Good luck to all of us,

Screw The wife. Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight, get down tonight.
Nope, mine likes maggies. She recently suggested I upgrade from the four-foot tall mg-0.5/qr to the six-foot tall mg-2.5/r with 3/4 ribbon. The bigger size is not a problem with her. I even have the tube monoblock amps out well into the room with the maggies. all of this is OK. I took her auditioning with me. She immediately noticed the improved treble and bass response of the larger speakers. Plus she knows I'm just itching to tear into the crossovers and get the after market stands.

She sees it this way. She knows where I'll be every night. Either tinkering with the stereo or futzing in the workshop. To her that's more desirable than me out drinking at bars, or strip clubs, or golf. So she's happy. So I come to the marriage with speakers and tubes. And she brought a massive vinyl collection.

Before the maggies I had Acoustats without the grill socks. Those were a bit ugly, IMO. She thought so too. The only real problem she had with those was the sweat spot wasn't really wide enough to two. The acoustats would tightly beam. With the maggies, you can sit next to each other and still get some stereo separation and soundstage for two people. With the 'stats she had to sit between my legs. :-/

We've often surfed Audiogon and AudioAsylum together. She's what I would call a traditional woman. But still _she_ still can't fathom while lots of men here have WAF issues that border on complete decorating control by the woman.

That likely stems from the fact that we decorate our home together. We see our home as a cooperative effort reflecting the desires and the passions of the two of us. If stereos are music are important enough to someone to bother with high-end at all, then it belongs in the home together with everything else important to the two of you. She gets her porcelain dolls and teddy bears. I get to have my stereo rig and computers. The stereo needs to go someplace, and unfortunately for most people this means the main living room. IF this is unacceptable, then she and he need to decide what room (dedicated or not) the audiophile can have were the speakers aren't shoved against the wall. Again, these are her thoughts and mine. It just doesn't seem fair otherwise. It's a cooperative effort. A "house" isn't really the two of you's "home" until you've both added something special to it. Else it's just "her house" that you pay for.

The only exception might be if the significant other was clearly the major bread winner, and clearly wore the pants. Then maybe you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. But fellas, if YOU'RE paying the MORTGAGE, you need to stand up for yourselves. You get to have a least part of the house to reflect your own interests and desires. Whether it's Eldartford's "ugly room dividers" or "horns the size of Buicks" in the living room. She doesn't get 'DA WHOLE HOUSE. That's not reasonable to us.

Aaron and Shannon.
music and film lovers at heart.
Accorddude, I had much the same arrangement with my mom when I lived at home a few years ago. Yeah, the WAF thing here is all too really. You mostly see if with the guys here in their 40s and 50s (who not so surprising make up the majority of the posters). I think a lot of those households are used to letting the significant other have their way when it comes to decorating the entire house and dictating budgets and household finances. It's tough to get someone out of that mindset when it's been that way for years from day-one. Yes, it is VERY REAL. Beware.
Brian: I don't doubt that things change once the transition of girlfriend to wife takes place. My girlfriend and i have lived together for 8 years now and neither one of us feels the need to get married, at least not right now. Somehow, i think that will change shortly though as her best friend is engaged and the ceremony will be in July. Given that both of us will be another year older in that same month, i'm sure that i'll start hearing hints along the way. It will be interesting for me to see how things play out over time. I am willing to compromise in specific areas, although i've not had to do so to any great extent so far. The fact that she has her shoe & purse collection and i have my collection of electronics, both out of our own money that we earn as individuals, has kept us both happy and given the other something to pick on the other about. Like i've always told her though, how much are used shoes and purses worth in comparison to used electronics??? : ) Sean