Wife approval factor?

So it seems that alot of you guys seem to have problems with your wifes or girlfriends on speaker issues and I was wondering what type of women yall date/married.

My mother has always approved of my speakers and has generally liked them. And my girlfriend also loves my speakers. When she heard my new JM Lab speakers she hugged me and gave me a kiss before she started dancing with me. Am I just lucky or what? Or are yall even serieous about the wife thing?

Last time i was single i managed to run up about 10k worth of gear

then i had a live-in girlfriend and ran into financial crisis and had to sell off my gear

I remember her telling me that once our financial situation got back on track that i could buy a bigger and better stereo.
Then when the time came, and we had money, her entire attitude changed. "You dont need that stuff, you have a perfectly good $300.00 HTIB setup that does everything yer last stereo did"


Welp, slap is back on his own and has been dividing most of his money between remodeling his house and working on the stereo. I have been putting a thousand bucks every other month into the system.

I know damn well that i better get my stereo up to par BEFORE i get another serious relationship.

Just because they SAY you can do something doesent mean they will be willing to let you do so or do it without a fight.

Hats off to those with understanding wives. It must be nice having a wonderful woman you love, AND a hobby you are passionate about that you can actually participate in.
No offence, but if you allow those hideous couches in that room she better not have any issue with those beautiful maggies. (LAUGH)
Sean interpolates:
how much are used shoes and purses worth in comparison to used electronics
More importantly, can you tweak or modd shoes to improve performance???
BTW, things DO change due to the "living together --> married" transition. I went through this: BTW, NINE years of the living-together thingy!
Sean, your time IS APPROACHING, FAST:)!

Marriage enhances that feeling of "belonging" -- eloquently put above, "my things and your things are OUR things now, which means MY things". That can include the rig: it's part of overall marital happiness.

Our house no longer has that creative relaxation environment feel to it (to me that means, records, cd's books, writing materials & and wine glasses, 2-3 pairs of spkrs, wires, x-overs waiting for upgrade for about a year, a mike on a tripod, with wires running to a laptop -- all creatively strewn in an "orderly" fashion all over the place).
Everything is in order now: books are piled up, unused glasses end up in the kitchen and, horror, are promptly washed and stored in CUPBOARDS -- andwe all know that cupboards were designed to hold documentation, LP's and full bottles for future reference &/or use... shall I go on??
OTOH, my ex G-F, now W, doesn't complain about my rig. My rig comprises finished products. She does complain about experimental speakers (i.e. drivers on a panel, in a carton, etc) lying in the room, open amps with wires sticking out, etc). I.e., the "industrial" look ain't for her (anymore).

She can and does complain about the sound now -- remember, "your rig is my rig, now"; she likes a sense of realism (upper end extension) and dynamics and a sense of speed (good phase). Comparative listening as a couple is out: "a device either plays Brahms or it doesn't". The "mmmm, this is slightly better" is gone anymore. This goes for ANY device, regardless of its position in the chain -- even wire. If it sounds OK to her & the asking price is negotiable, don't bother with whatever else is available at the same price in the market, or with modding it to make it sound "better".

Sean -- brace yourself for married life: in fact, you might like it better!Cheers
I thought this wasn't supposed to be a critical website of other folks taste and understanding (or lack thereof.)