Quicksilver V4 vs Manley Snappers

Is anyone able to describe the differences between these 2 amps? Bass, midrange, heat, etc.....much appreciated.
Thanks Johnny R Happy New Year!

BTW I just picked up a pair Conrad Johnson Premier 12 mono's running K120's and that's an amp that can compete with the V4 in similar price range. Not quite as macro dynamic but every bit as detailed, close in bass but a prettier sounding amp more liquid and lush... That old school, big tube CJ sound is something, especially tightened up with the KT120's vs the 6550 and its not even a close comparison to the Snappers...
FWIW, I just "witnessed" a pair of V4s with the KT-150 output tubes driving a pair of the new Gershwin Grande Avante Garde speakers last night at a dealer's. They are just stunning amplifiers on any level. Lush and romantic are certainly not words I would use but the harmonic resolution, soundstaging, tonality and decay into the darkness was just breathtaking, like a great SET with power and no limitations. I've heard numerous Quicksilver amps many times in the past and am still trying to figure out what made this time so special. Synergy with those speakers or the KT150 tube? 180 watts with real finess and power is a rare beast indeed. Everyone there had the same impression.