"It doesn't impress you at first..."

Hey everyone,

Have you noticed how the above analysis has been a staple in professional audio reviews? I've read so many times that item x won't impress me instantly, but that as I live with it, I'll begin to appreciate "the little things" it does that make it amazing.

Personally, my goal is to get as close to the sound of live music as I can. When I get close, I know it. Instantly. "Living" with a component has never changed my gut instinct about it. If I have to sit there and analyze the sound, thinking about the mid-bass and the PRaT and the soundstage, to me that means something's wrong. If I love a component, I generally know within the first 10 seconds.

I'm sure many people do things totally differently and are very happy with their own methods. What do you think?
Since I have never listened to live music in my room, and you can never listen live music if you are listening to an audio system, I just get the component that makes music sound most enjoyable to me (after I listen a while). Since no two components are identical sometimes it takes a while to sort out the differences and choosing the one which does most of the important things for me well and matches the rest of my system. I envy you being able to accomplish this in 10 seconds. I always get bogged down in this synergy thing. :-)

I agree with Tireguy in general and especially with those Silver cables. They never lasted in my system either, and I'm very suspicious of components (mods as well) which use silver wire.
But music is often an acquired taste. It is the subtle things that often separate a great musician from merely good and you can't begin to appreciate the subtle things that a musician does until you understand more about the music and the instrument. It's like reading a book or piece of poetry. The best books or poetry are ones you can read over and over again and find something new and it's the same with music. Like good writers, good musicians have a vast resource of associated knowledge in which to make references to. If you don't understand or have knowledge of what the references pertain to, you miss parts of the message. When you've figured out what the references mean, you can then come back and perhaps find new appreciation for the work.
Often times a component, be it speaker, amp, pre, cables, etc. have a quality that is quite apparent immediately. Sometimes you notice the bass or midrange, etc or a combination of things that jump out at you and scream "hey look at me". But over time you realize that these things don't necessarily serve the music. They are sometimes exaggerations and can become quite annoying. An artificial detail or something else that while grabs your attention initially just isn't real.
We don't simply listen to bass or treble or midrange or dynamic impact (well maybe some do). It is how the whole is presented. Are you listening to your "system" or are you listening to music. Therein lies the answer.
Awesome responses guys, thanks. We all have our own perception of what "live music" sounds like, given our different concert-going experiences, our own experiences as musicians, or just differences in our ears. But can't you tell quickly when a system suddenly clicks into what your idea of live music is, or at least comes pretty dang close?

Personally, the things that knock my socks off when I first hear them are the systems that sound like my aural memory of live music. Things that do not knock my socks off are improved bass response, less etching in the treble, etc. Or at least I don't think they do... Granted, what makes me hear "live music" is surely a conglomeration of all of those little points, but I would never make an upgrade based on "improved bass response" or "smoother highs". Anyway, just some random thoughts.

And word to the silver cables. Not my cup of tea either.
I once bought a pair of speakers that hooked me on how fabulous they sounded with one particular record. Turned out that was the only record they sounded good with. After a week of trying, I threw myself on the mercy of the dealer and he took them back. Since then I haven't made the mistake of "trusting my ears" that way. Dave