What about a product can irritate you?

What about a product can irritate you, other than the sound?

I thought of this today while attemting to install a new pair of cables. The cables came out of the package in the shape of a Slinky and no amount of bending them, shaping them, stretching them or otherwise trying to reshape them would do any good... they are permanently shaped like a big telephone cord.

I find cables that aren't installation-friendly to be incredibly irritating.

Do you have a pet peeve?

Da Weel? wat dat?

It's amazing when you think about how absolutely vital the wheel is in OUR daily life. And then find out the ancient Egyptians built the Great pyramids without it and 13th century Mongols transported over 100,000 soldiers, support people, food, and construction equipment all over Central Asia, the Middle East, Russia, and Eastern Europe without it. And kicked everyone's arses who used them damn wooden donuts too!

Weez wimps!
Damn. You guys are smart.

The little EZCD tool may still be worth the money, 'cos half the time when I try to open a CD wrapper by sliding my thumbnail up and down, I end up with the functional equivalent of a paper cut trying to unhinge more of my fingernail. Those hurt. Especially when you immediately thereafter grab a fistful of buffalo wings...
Edesilva, it sounds like you're describing one of the old Billy Crystal/Christopher Guest SNL skits.

BC: You ever get a, a, ah, ah, ah...

CG: A CD jewel case?

BC: Yeah!

CG: ...and you rub your thumb up and down it until you get a Saran Wrap paper cut?

BC: Yeah, yeah! Then you grab a, ah, ah, ah...

CG: A fistful of buffalo wings with your raw fingers?

BC" Yeah!

{BC & CG together]: Boy, I hate when that happens!
The asking prices for LP's on AudioGon. $400 for an Eagles LP? Good lord....
Valve gear in general. Drives me nuts I have to turn it on then wait 20 minutes for it to warm up before listening to it, and knowing that it will keep improving for a couple of weeks if I left it going that long. But if I leave it on all the time those expensive tubes I bought are just wasting away while I am at work. And then there is the fact that my tubes are always either gradually running in or running out. Yeah, yeah, I'm neurotic, I know. I should just accept that whatever state it is in it sounds better than the solid state equivalent - but it still bugs me.