What are the loopholes of sending COD to nonmemb.

A non-member contacted me about my add.He said this is his first time buying something on Agon and asked me if i can ship it UPS COD.He agreed to send $100 money order deposit to cover the shipping and COD fee.I am planning on instructing the UPS to pick up USPS money order from him.
Should i go for it or is there something i can get screwed over?I would appreciate your feedback regarding this matter.
cod is ok & i use it from time to time but it can be a bad thing.

i would never ship anything to a greenhorn via cod unless he paid me all the shipping fee's up front & a 25% non refundable deposit as a show of good faith.

on the other hand i request cod for item's that i want to buy from newbee's with only the shipping paid up front,i figure ive earned a little trust with my feedback so shipping fee's are all their gonna get from me.

if your buyer is truly on the up & up he shouldnt mind getting up off a few bucks as a show of good faith,one things for sure if the buyer is squirley about paying a deposit & shipping up front then tell him adios amigos.


You have all the credibility here, and your buyer has none. My buddy lost about $4K sending a Rolex COD--forged check. As others have mentioned, if you are willing to run the risk of not getting your money, go right ahead. I absolutely would not do it myself.
Best of luck,

I Have done COD on a couple of transactions. First off Fedex & UPS require a legit money order made out to the sender before the package is handed over to the receiver. There is only one thing I can think of that could go wrong & that is the receiver can refuse the package and you have to pay the return shipping costs. So getting a deposit from the buyer can be a good thing if the buyer has no track record on Audiogon. Anyway there is some risks meeting a seller or buyer in specified locations unless he has a proven track record on A'gon. Yes Plinko's example is horrible where a life was lost. How many times has a good samaritan been killed because he stopped to help a stranger on the freeway. Use common sense & live.
Under some circumstances payment can be stopped on a bank "certified check" or a money order. I know from personal experience. It was a hassle but I was able to stop payment and return the damaged goods to the seller. If I had been a thief instead of someone who had been ripped off I would have had the cash and the goods.

Especially if someone is brand new or not even a member why buy any grief and accept anything other than cash up front?