ebay vs audiogon

I have bought equipment on both audiogon and ebay this past year and would say that I am definitely more comfortable with the former vs the latter. Twice recently equipment was misrepresented on ebay. On the first one paypal helped me recover my money. On the second it wasn't worth going crazy on (some scuffing on the top of a DVD player), but still left me hesitant to buy there again.

Hat's off to the audiogoner's for greater trustworthiness and honor.
Treyhoss, I totally agree with you. Perhaps the real the person who gets the most convenience out of Paypal is the buyer since they seem to have the last WORD--Not to mention the miles they are probably racking up and the convenience of not having to pay for 30 days.

However, I've got to still take into consideration that a Credit Card (CC) funded Paypal payment means I get my money TODAY (plus the 3-4 business days it takes to download the funds into my actual checking account from my Paypal account).

I guess we all have to remember that the CC Mechanisms of the world were built way before Paypal and were typically only extended to merchants. That is why they call them merchant accounts. Most merchants make a profit on what they sell, and any cost of doing business is usually absorbed by those profits. Merchant have the luxury of dipping into those profits if a customer disputes a credit card charge. The merchant usually takes it in the shorts and goes on...business as usual. Merchants are also a "known quantity" relative to a Paypal user that can accept CC payments with a tremendous amount of anonymity. The CC industry’s VERY liberal "the buyer is always right" dispute policy is a child of an old paradigm that doesn't consider the complexities of pier-to-pier (P2P) transactions conducted through Paypal. I guess what I am really saying is that VISA, MC, and AMEX probably never intended on Individuals being able to accept CC payments. Therefore I think the current system is “broken”.

So again, another paradox I am observing here is that Sellers are most Protected by USPS Money Orders (because you can't stop payment on them) and Buyers are Most Protected by using Credit Card Funded PayPal.

Is there a happy medium in between? The best I can come up with is C.O.D. with a USPS Money Order....Argggg I hate C.O.D. ---too clunky and takes too long to get my funds.
The only happy medium I can think of IF someone wants to pay by credit card is to ask they send you a check. You know, one of those checks the credit card companies send you with your bill saying it can be used "for anything...".

If you deposit that into your account and wait for it to clear, it should be OK. You get "good money" assuming the person doesn't go over their credit limit and the buyer still enjoys the "financing" aspect of the purchase. Just a thought:-)
Actually, what I did is just go open a new checking account. I had it verified and closed out my other bank account, which is a joint account with my wife and household moneys. My new account is strictly for Paypal. I've heard too many horror stories about that scam. They send you Paypal funds, you ship the item, then they refuse CC payment saying it's broken. They now have your ______ and their money. You have nothing.
So from now on I'll ship as soon as the funds clear Paypal into my account, and my account is emptied. Therefore Paypal wouldn't be able to come take back your money with you having no say in the matter.
jmcgrogan,that is exactly how i do it,i feel alot safer that way & even if paypal does do a charge back there wont be anything there for them to get & i have the cash,there's alot to be said for having the cash.

one thing though about doing it this way is you will encounter lots of enraged buyers demanding that YOU MUST SHIP NOW!!

its always the same story too,i paid you an INSTANT payment with paypal you need to ship RIGHT NOW!

my answer is always the same too,who was the payment instant for? you or me ? when the cash has been transfered to my account & is in my hot little hands i will ship & not one second sooner.

it kills me how many people DEMAND you be verified to do business with you when its THE KISS OF DEATH for anybody who ever intends to sell anything.

for all you folks who demand a buyer be verified remember when you sell that logic can work against you in a big way.

mike,a non verified member.
Well guys that is the whole idea behind an instant payment through paypal. I have never yet encountered a buyer that cancelled a credit card payment on me because I already know what I'm selling is right. Check your buyers feedback, then proceed. If your going to hold the item till the funds clear through your bank than you might as well insist on a Postal money order only.