Best Song or AlbumTitles?

This is admittedly a stupid thread, and a waste of your time. But, for amusement sake, please indulge me.

All of us have our favorite bands, favorite genres and so on. But what are your favorite song or album titles?

There have been some very clever titles over the years.

I'd like to begin with my favorites:

"Careful with that ax, Eugene" the Pink Floyd classic.

"The smoker you drink, the player you get" by Joe Walsh

"As falls Wichita so falls Wichita Falls" by Pat Metheny


You guys got that song in my head now, with the Bangles singing it! And Steve Martin is also doing his King Tut dance, Aaahhhhh....

I always new that Bangles drummer had a little extra going on down there, she had bulges!

I was drunk the day my Momma got out of prison.....

From what else but "The Perfect Country and Western Song" by David Allan Coe.

You guys forgot FireSign Theatre
Dont Crush that Dwarf, hand me the pliers.
How about:

Tuff Darts: "Your love is like a nuclear waste" ( they should stamp contaminated right across your face )

Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band with the Rootettes: "Party till you puke"

The Mentors: Most any song title applies here. If you're familiar with El Duece and crew, you know what i mean : )

Talking Heads: "More songs about buildings and food"

Buzzcocks: "Singles going steady"

Tonio K: "Life in the foodchain"

Primus: Sailing the seas of cheese / Professor Nutbutter's house of treats / Wynona's big brown beaver / Those damned blue collar tweekers / The air is getting slippery / etc...

Flaming Lips: "Yoshimi vs the Pink Robots"

Public Image Limited: "This is not a love song"

Wire: "12XU" ( pronounced "one two ex you" and i hope you get the meaning )

Devo: "Jocko Homo"

Monster Magnet: "Look to your orb for the warning"

Ned's Atomic Dustbin: "Kill your television"

Group X: "Stepping on the Crowtche owf Your American President" ( yes, this is the actual spelling and name of their latest CD release )

If you liked the type of music listed above and / or have a sense of humour, try checking out this home-brewed flash animation video from Group X. If you turn on your computer speakers ( hint, hint ), you can hear the "world famous Arabian rap group" ( how they bill themselves ) performing the song "Bang, Bang, Bang". If you are easily offended by "Arabian gangsta rap", don't bother because you won't like it. Be forewarned though. Arabian rap is obviously a bit different than American rap. These guys hate P Diddy : ) Sean