Do you remember your first cd?

There was a thread concerning Bose 901s the other night and it started me thinking about how early cds sounded on those speakers. The first cd I purchased was Scarecrow by John Mellancamp way back in 86 I think. That cd sounded ok back then but if I were to put it on now the sound would drive me out of the room. I haven't been able to listen to it since the 901s left. Another early cd is U2s The Joshua Tree which also sounds horrible now.
Just wondering now how many can recall their first cd purchase and whether they are listenable still?
First cd Hell Freeazes Over- (the store used it as a demo disc when auditioning my old Sony cd player in the midlate 80's).
First lp Zep IV- I had to do some work for my Dad to earn the 6 bucks needed for the purchase. I remember thinking I must really love music to do all this work for a record!

I remember the first LP I bought, but can't recall the first CD. I guess it wasn't such a big deal. Kind of like my first kiss. I remember it well. The second I can't recall.
First CDs were Metallica's Black album and Led Zeppeling Remasters box set, around '91. Bought them the day after Christmas after my parents bought me a Sony Discman.