Listening habits

I am just wondering what the listening habits of some other audiophiles is. How many days in the last 30 days did you listen to your system? What was the average time that you listened for? How loud was your stereo?

for me...the average is 20 days, 2 hours, medium to loud levels.
I never listen to mine. I bought all this gear cuz I thought it looked cool. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure that I even know how to turn it on, but when people come over they comment on how cool it looks. If they want to listen to it I break into a syliloquy of audiophile terms, specs and measurements till their eyes glaze over and they dispair of life.

Some day I'll get the guys from the audio shop to show me how it works, but I'm afraid naysayers on AudiogoN will be right and my system will suck.

What's a poor audiophool to do?
On a more serious note,

I listen every day. Maybe 15 min in the morning, and all evening (3 to 4 hrs) (On the rare occasion I turn on the TV, the sound feeds into my amp, so technically, I am still listening)

In a semi-serious response to Nrchy, I was going to buy a car, but realized I would be paying a lot of money for something I would rarely use, similar to the scenario he paints of some audiophiles.
Nrchy, I always thought you didn't know where the swith was....otherwise you wouldn't have all that SS stuff. :-)

I have one system or another going about 8 hours a day. Serious listening - I usually devote a couple of hours in the evening.