Why don't kids nowadays know about Jazz and classi

I speak to alot of younger people nowadays that have no clue about jazz and classical music. When I was a kid I knew most of the Jazz artists and I was only 14 years old.
That was back in 1974. Today the kids don't even know bands like Allman brothers and the Eagles. Some educators that I know say the kids today are much smarter than my generation. I find that hard to believe. I would love you're imput on this subject.
The other side of the question is "Why don't older people know about Rap and Hip-Hop?". It seems the mission of each generation is to embrace a new art form that offends the previous generations. Rock was the same way. What does Elvis look like below the waist?
Because it takes an effort. Classical music in most cases has to be understood before you get a lot out of it. Most kids (and this is true of all generations). Most younger people also have a short attention span. How many kids are going to listen to a 45 minute long symphony? Most kids go for the easiest thrill. That's why hip hop and country always top the charts because it's a steady predictable beat and there is no effort involved in listening.

Jazz also has to be understood, otherwise it sounds like random soloing.

I liked rock growing up, because it was basic and easy. It wasn't until I got really into the guitar that I got bored with rock and got into classical and jazz.

Because the corporate powers that control the media and bought politicans with cash payoffs decided in the early 80's to "dumb down" the entire US population.

By introducing "info-tainment" and confusing fact with fiction (a specialty of the current president) and deleting arts education, we've arrived at the abysmal place where we are today.

You see, being well-grounded in the arts is a dangerous thing to a government that is slowly but steadily progressing to corporate rule. The Arts make you think, it pushs the envelope, it's always challenging the status quo. It's easier to manufacture a Garth Brooks or a Shania Twain than it is to have a Hank William (Sr.) or Patsy Montana evolve from a truly free society. It's easier to sell products and control thought when everything is manufactured and controled by these copmpanies that are approaching true political rule in the USA.

The Orwellian nightmare which we thought would come with tanks, combat boots, and neighborhood informants has actually slid into place thanks to pretty blabbering blondes and Bob Forehead newsreaders.
Too soon to tell, they will, catch up in time.
In my younger days as a custom car audio salesperson, i have had the opportunity to hear the type of music, i'd almost not even bothered to listen too. But apparently the kind of job i was exposed to made me listen to very obscene language from groups like 2 live Crew. I could almost ask WHAT is 2 LIVE crew? but that was like 13 to 15 years ago. I am an 80's person but could live with 70's music accustomed to what i hear from my elder bro.

So fast forward to the FUTURE 2000+ and am now listening to music , "MY younger clients HALF my age would never ever listen to" so there is something definitely relative about this scenario. So now THEY let me listen to their USHER, but on occassion, i educate them about listening to good SQ music and recordings, Miles Davis,art p,coltrane and the likes, vocalists Rebecca Pidgeon, Sarah K, Etta J, Jacintha.

Some of them eventually developed the liking and some did not ... at least maybe not as yet.
Hack, I believe, has identified half of the problem. Kids are sponges. They are unlikely to listen actively for long, but they hear everything, and it has an enormous effect. Music is like language, children have to hear it at home to become sensitive to it. The better the music they hear, the more likely they are to develop an "ear" for it. If parents don't expose their children to good music, it is much less likely that the children will develop much passion for good music later in life. Most of my contemporaries listen passively to pretty schlocky music. It stands to reason that their children are not drawn to music, or are drawn only to the most formulaic stuff they hear on the radio, or via downloads.

The other half of the problem is that music education has been removed from most schools. When I was a kid in Philly, there would be periodic presentations by Jazz bands, chamber ensembles, small orchestras, and vocal groups. Nothing like that exists in the overwhelming majority of public schools, even in the affluent areas. This has a huge impact. There is very little in life that is more impressive than being near a big band, or large orchestra going full tilt. The pressure wave alone will knock you on your ass. I was overwhelmed by this when I first heard it, and remember it like it was yesterday. I'm certain that this was part of what ignited the passion for music that I have to this day.