Owners of "Giant Killers"?

We often read of folks who have heard "Giant Killer" products: amps, preamps, digital sources...

We also often read about products that are tried, and are "excellent and worth the audition", but are not chosen for the listeners's system because of a better product.

I'm wondering how many Audiogoners actually own a "Giant Killer"?

Has someone heard a component that offers great value, but beyond the dollar value offers perfomance that has truly been good enough to replace the "Giant"?
Marko445, what DAC did you buy and what did it replace? This is the kind of info readers of this thread want to know.

After letting my system lie dormant for over two months and being away from Audiogon for the same amount of time, I just inserted the $499 Audio Mirror D1 DAC into my system this past weekend. I haven't compared it to more expensive or well regarded DACs like those from Audio Logic, Audio Note or the like [I don't really own a "giant" DAC, more like a "tall" one], but I may be nominating a candidate for the GK club soon.

Denon DL-103D moving coil cartridge. I have two (one brand
new as a spare). For a little over $300 it will run head-
to-head with cartridges five times it's bargain cost.